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English translation for "specific zones"


Related Translations:
specific training:  专门训练
specific therapeutics:  特效疗法特异性疗法
specific enquiry:  这种有明确做生意愿望的称具体询价
specific productivity:  单位生产率
specific force:  比力专性力
specific damping:  比衰减衰减比衰减常数
specific insulation:  体积电阻率/比绝缘值
specific request:  特殊请求
specific magnetism:  比磁磁化率
specific indent:  特定订单
Example Sentences:
1.Enumeration for a definition of specific zones
2.Recently a number of researchers have suggested that within these clouds exist specific zones that the electrons favour
3.Class . instead , most chrome - specific features of zones are implemented on specific zone types as appropriate to the unique needs of their part controls
4.That way , the specific zone rules can be applied to specific code , and will not be applied to all the code from the publisher before you find out whether the restrictions are needed
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